Become a CPRS Calgary Sponsor

Spring is all about new beginnings. With that in mind, CPRS Calgary is pleased to unveil a fresh take on its sponsorship offering for 2021 by offering more virtual and online opportunities that enable sponsors to strategically share their brand story with our membership during these unique times. CPRS Calgary’s 2021 sponsorship package provides a…

The value of CPRS – a member perspective

Working in communications was never the plan. When I enrolled at the Memorial University of Newfoundland, I had grand plans to get a Bachelor of Arts in English, followed by a Bachelor of Education so that I could teach English. Throughout high school English teachers had been my heroes and friends, so it felt like…

Our holiday wishes for you

By CPRS Calgary President, Gordon Hawker, APR As I draft this annual holiday message, just a few hours after the announcement of increased COVID-19 restrictions, I know that communicators all over Alberta are likely already planning how they will manage and communicate through the next month and beyond. No time to second-guess, no moment of…