For more information on becoming a new member of CPRS Calgary or renewing a lapsed membership, please contact the CPRS Calgary Membership Chair. If you already recognize the significant benefits, click the Join Now link below to apply for membership in one of the following categories: member, individual member, associate member or affiliate member.
CPRS Calgary Fee: $75
CPRS National Fees:
- Member: $290
- Associate: $290
- Emerging Professional (less than two years in public relations): $155
- Member in transition: If a member is facing financial distress or hardship at the time of renewal, we will extend the member’s renewal date to 6 months in the future (one time only), to give you some breathing space while still remaining a member. To request this category, you must email the National Membership Coordinator, Laura Mills at or call 416-239-7034 ext. 249.