By CPRS Calgary President, Gordon Hawker, APR
As I draft this annual holiday message, just a few hours after the announcement of increased COVID-19 restrictions, I know that communicators all over Alberta are likely already planning how they will manage and communicate through the next month and beyond. No time to second-guess, no moment of silence for the potential loss of our holiday traditions. As communicators, we are the connection between our organization and its various internal and external audiences. We do everything we can to ensure that connection isn’t lost. And that’s why we serve such an important role in businesses and in communities.
Maintaining a sense of personal connection between Calgary PR people has been the primary goal of CPRS Calgary this entire year, and it will continue to be our focus throughout 2021 and beyond. At our December Board Meeting, I congratulated my colleagues on the work we’ve accomplished despite the challenges of the pandemic and social distancing.
And I asked them, “When we get to the end of this program year, what will success look like? What is it that we will have brought to our PR community?”
The overwhelming response was that, if we can continue to give our members and the PR community a sense of connection – an undeniable feeling that they belong to something bigger than themselves, a group of supportive, helpful professionals, and friends – then we’ll have served our members and our local Society well. Now more than ever, feeling connected is vital. CPRS Calgary supports PR students, CPRS members, and communicators in the greater Calgary area with access to professional development and networking opportunities, career development and accreditation, peer advice and mentoring, and so much more. As volunteers, we do it because we care about our profession and about our colleagues.
With this in mind, I would like to thank the incredible group of people who work with me on the CPRS Calgary Board:
Joshua Smith – Treasurer
Laura Worsley-Brown, APR – Secretary
Lisa Rushka, APR, – PD & Events
Sarah Roberts – PD & Events
Danielle Alfaro – Membership
Kimberlee Jones, APR – Accreditation
Gina Teel, APR – Sponsorship
Peter Ryan, APR – Education & Scholarships
Suzanne Polyak – Communications
Katelynn Marchyshyn – MRU Students
Thanks also to our Communications Committee volunteers, Elly Uz and Aissatou Thiam, as well as our MRU Student Committee volunteers Shaina Kyluik and Timothy Rose.
On behalf of the entire CPRS Calgary Board and volunteers, I wish you peace and joy for the holiday season, as well as prosperity and hope for a brighter New Year.
Stay safe. Stay connected. Happy holidays from your CPRS friends.