Mmm, there’s nothing like spending quality time with your PR colleagues!
Join us for our March Membership Mixer on Wednesday, March 29th at Trolley 5 Restaurant and Brewery on 17th Avenue SW. There’s no cost to register or attend – order from the Trolley 5 food & beverage menu at your own cost.
March is membership month for CPRS – the perfect time to renew your membership and to bring along a friend or colleague (or maybe six!) who you think would benefit from being a CPRS Member. And don’t forget – CPRS National is giving away a free annual membership for the member who recruits the most new members during March. This month national is also waiving the $50 initiation fee for NEW and LAPSED members (people whose memberships lapsed 3+ months ago).
So why not join us for a social evening and squeeze in a last-minute entry for the contest?
Not sure if your membership is up-to-date? We will have a computer on-hand so you can login and renew right at the event. And new members can sign up on the spot, too!
For every renewing CPRS member or new member who signs up at the event, we’ll have a complimentary copy of “Barbecues, Booms & Blogs: A 50-year history of CPRS Calgary.”